Thursday, December 21, 2006

Consumer Reports Washing Machine

lectures and events from the universities of Hamburg as audio and video files

In are now offered lectures and events from the universities of Hamburg as audio and video files called podcasts . On the - unique in Germany - together Platform for educational content are already some 40 lectures across the disciplines. Topics range from introductory courses in various subjects on presentation and communication techniques through to snowboard videocast.

is daily visited the platform by an average of 500 listeners. Leaders of the downloads is the contribution of Prof. Dr. Jens Weidner of the University of Applied Sciences (HAW) for "peppers strategy for women" - this paper has been downloaded over 700 times. Is accessed from around the world, including Australia, Japan, Thailand, Malaysia.

Podcampus is currently primarily an audiovisual showcase in the universities of Hamburg. Here are topics that are also to a wider audience beyond the universities of interest. One example is the recently set talk by noted sociologist Prof. Dr. Dirk Baecker at the port city university. In the coming weeks and months, the platform is also for the classical theory further. This is to complement the traditional offerings presence of institutions and services for students in Hamburg to be improved. Each high school teacher, every department and every high school institution has set the possibility of seminars or lectures at Podcampus. Technical assistance and advice, the multimedia Kontor Hamburg (MMKH).

The new platform is the first of its kind German universities offer yet isolated lectures as podcasts, but the merger of several universities on a platform is new.

also an opening of the portal for contributions from other universities of Hamburg, it is not excluded. The portal will offer in the next development stage, the ability to share content, both thematically and geographically, and to sort by other criteria. Of course, it remains the party is at liberty to present their content on the site their own.

are involved in the project, the University of Hamburg, the University of Applied Sciences Hamburg, the Technical University Hamburg-Harburg, the Academy of Fine Arts, the School of Music and Drama and the Harbor City University.

For questions
Anette Stöber,
Tel: 040-22666877,
E-mail: a.stoeber @
Multimedia Kontor Hamburg, Finkenau 35, 22081 Hamburg,
About podcampus
podcampus Podcasting is the platform of the Multimedia Kontor Hamburg MMlab for Hamburg's universities and contributions from science and research offers from the University teaching in the Hamburg area.

The Multimedia Kontor Hamburg is a joint venture the public universities of Hamburg:

HAW Hamburg
HCU Hamburg
HfBK Hamburg
HfMT Hamburg
TU Hamburg-Harburg
Uni Hamburg


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